Coco Collection offers chance to win a seven-night getaway by naming a turtle
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Renowned for its rustic and sustainable hospitality, Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu is actively involved in eco-friendly initiatives to ensure that the precious marine life in the surrounding atoll is protected. This year, the island joined forces with The Olive Ridley Project, with the aim to prevent the entanglement of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles and other marine organisms. Initiated by a group of marine biologists located within the Maldives, the partnership welcomes the first Olive Ridley Project Turtle Rescue Centre at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu.
How to enter
Simply name the juvenile hawksbill sea turtle (pictured and assigned the code HK 2235) that was recently discovered on the island’s house reef by the resident marine biologist Chiara Fumagalli, by following these steps:
- Think of a suitable name for the sea turtle. Since HK 2235 is a juvenile hawksbill turtle, the gender is still unknown, which means the name has to be suitable for both male and female.
- Using either Twitter and/or Instagram, post your chosen name and a picture showing the inspiration behind your choice (this can include: an object, person or television character etc), with the following hashtags: #cococares and #shellmemyname
- Remember to tag @CocoCollection for Twitter and @coco_resorts for Instagram.
Once the competition has closed, a panel of Coco Collection judges will then select their favourite/most imaginative entry and the winner will be awarded a seven night stay for two in a Sunset Beach Villa at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu on half-board basis.
For Full terms and conditions visit the Coco Cares blog.