Arrivals to Asia Pacific grow by 12.5 million in H1 2015, says PATA

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chinese arrivalsAccording to the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) international arrivals to the Asia Pacific region have shown continuous growth with a gain of 5.4% during the first half of the 2015, resulting in close to 12.5 million additional arrivals year-on-year.

The Early Edition, which was released in May this year, is followed by the Final Edition, which was published on October 20th 2015, reveals a number of travel activities and profiles including length of stay, expenditure and several other useful quantitative metrics. Hightlights of the Final Edition include:

  • Significant growth over the last five years from almost 455 million in 2010 to over 552 million in 2014.
  • Continued  growth since 2014 in Asia, capturing more than 410 million foreign arrivals, led by Northeast Asia with a share of 47% of total international arrivals into Asia Pacific.
  • Showing the strongest 2015 period growth with 6.8% year on year is the Americas, followed by the Pacific (6.3%) and then Asia (5.0%).
  • Thailand, Hong Kong SAR and Japan captured more than 4.1 million additional arrivals from China, period over period in 2015.

PATA CEO Martin Hardy said: “Understanding the immediate impacts of changes in the foreign inbound markets allows us to contain the negative consequences and boost the positive. This Final Edition of the 2015 PATA Annual Tourism Monitor therefore provides an important first step in quantifying these changes and allowing us to make resource deployment decisions based on those quantification metrics.”

For more information about the Annual Tourism Monitor 2015 Final Edition and other related data-based reports from PATA, please contact the Strategic Intelligence Centre directly at or visit the PATA Store.



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