Eco Centre at Kuramathi Island Resort introduces two new topics to its marine life presentation programme
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The Eco Centre at Kuramathi Island Resort conducts a variety of presentations on marine life for guests staying at the resort, and recently, the centre has introduced two new topics; ‘Silent Deep’ and ’Turtles’.
While the Silent Deep educates guests on the undiscovered abyss in the ocean, Turtles, as the name suggests, provides stimulating facts on the magnificent animal often encountered by tourists while snorkelling or diving.
The Eco Centre provides detailed information about the enchanting underwater world through visual and microscopic presentations in both English and German. These presentations are conducted by the resort’s resident marine biologist, and guests are welcome to join in to expand their knowledge of the mystifying ocean every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday at 18:45 hrs. Other topics encompassed in these presentation sessions include structure & ecology, planktonic organisms, sharks and beauty, and diversity of corals.
Following the El Nińo of 1997 and the subsequent coral bleach, the management of Kuramathi Island Resort wanted a better understanding of the fragile ecosystem and how to protect it best. The result was the opening of the resort’s Eco Centre in 1999. Led by a small team of professionals including the resort’s resident marine biologist and horticulturist, the Eco Centre operates all year long and plays a vital role in providing guests with an enriched experience of the Maldives. The centre ensures that guests are aware of proper snorkelling behaviour and offers guided snorkelling safaris.
In addition to the educational presentations, a variety of specimens are on display at the centre’s exhibition area. One major attraction of the Eco Centre is the 11 metre sperm whale skeleton.