Green Globe Certification awarded to Jumeirah Dhevanafushi
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Following a recent sustainability audit, Jumeirah Dhevanafushi has recently been awarded the internationally renowned Green Globe Certification (GGC). The GGC is the world’s most well-known sustainability stamp for the tourism industry.
In an effort to improve sustainability, the management of the resort has taken many measures, including building an in-house bottling plant. By re-using glass bottles instead of shipping in bottled water, the resort saves approximately 72,000 plastic bottles per year. The resort also started a seawater reverse osmosis system which creates fresh drinking water from seawater where possible. Jumeirah Dhevanafushi also recently installed LED lights in all areas of the resort including guest villas and has implemented a low pressure sanitary system in all guest bathrooms.
General Manager of the resort, David Stepetic, said: “The Jumeirah Dhevanafushi team is proud to have achieved the Green Globe Certification. We’re now into the fourth successful year of operation and have always strived to dedicate ourselves to conservation and sustainability. With this certification, we now must work to achieve more for the environmental conservation and our local community efforts in order to preserve the natural beauty of Meradhoo Island, Jumeirah Dhevanafushi.”
The resort also places high priority on community service programmes such as reef clean-ups and visiting local islands, further educating the locals and tourists about the fragile state of the islands.
The Green Globe Certification is a structured assessment of the sustainability performance of travel and tourism businesses and their supply chain partners. Green Globe provides certification, training and education, and marketing services in 83 countries worldwide.