Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa launches fresh water bottling plant
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Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa at Dhonakulhi Island Maldives has announced their plans to produce fresh water made from desalinated ocean water. This is one of latest steps taken by the luxury resort towards delivering services with an environmentally-friendly purpose.
General Manager of the resort Carsten Schieck said: “With the move to producing our own drinking water, we expect to save around 3,000 kilos of empty plastic bottles each year,” he said. “Producing our own water saves on importing tonnes of bottled water each year and more importantly of course, greatly reduces the number of plastic bottles we need to dispose of in a country that’s still working on refining its recycling capabilities.”
The five star resort aims to produce around 400 litres of drinking water every day – both still and sparkling – reducing the importation of around 12 tonnes of drinking water each month. Tucked away and hidden in the midst of the staff village, the bottling plant is located behind the resort’s water desalination plant from where the water is piped in. It then undergoes two more rounds of filtration and sterilisation to ensure it meets international drinking standards. The glass bottles in which the water is served to guests are re-used after getting washed and re-filled at the bottling plant.
Future ecological plans for the resort include planting organic herb gardens on the island, collecting rain water, recycling ‘grey water’ to use for watering the gardens in times of drought and identifying composting and waste re-use opportunities. The resort also plans on increasing the use of solar power in various areas of the island.
The Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa at Dhonakulhi is located in Haa Alifu Atoll, about 290 kilometres from Male’. A 45-minute scenic flight from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport lands at Hanimaadhoo International Airport, and it is followed by an exhilarating 20-minute speedboat ride to Dhonakulhi Island.