Hotel Jen concludes month of fund and awareness raising activities with the Cancer Society of Maldives
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The collaboration started with the campaign ‘Table Tennis for Cancer’, organized by the Cancer Society at Huravee Building from 11- 13 October. Whilst managing the event, volunteers spoke about cancer and distributed pamphlets and flyers encouraging public support for fundraising. In addition, they got to simply play table tennis to keep a marathon going from 10:00am to 3:00pm throughout the three-day event. Hotel Jen’s staff and friends were there daily on the table tennis as well as providing takeaway luncheons for all the volunteers.
Fundraising also took place throughout the month at Hotel Jen, with eye-catching pink banners inviting guests and members of the public to drop some change and pick up the pink ribbon and wear it to show support.
On 24 October, a total of 39 Hotel Jen members including the general manager and other senior members supported the RUN/WALK Cancer Walk. Hotel Jen also invited cyclists from the World Bicycle Tour group from Nepal, another hotel CSR partner, to participate in this event.
Despite the heavy downpour and strong winds, the 5km ‘cycle, run, walk’ was successfully completed. It may have been a damp journey but spirits and morale were flying high.
Hotel Jen’s Director of Human Resources, Goh Kon Len, said; “We are very proud and honoured to join the Pink Ribbon campaign 2015 which is our third year partnership supporting Cancer Awareness campaigns in Male’, Maldives and we look forward to continuing this journey for many more years. This is only possible because Hotel Jen has a highly motivated staff force that is committed to CSR activities; they are forward coming to support and pledge. And it is very heart-warming to see many of our male colleagues pledging support for Breast Cancer Awareness and it is gratifying for me that we are breaking through the gender barrier.”
Kon Len further added that Hotel Jen also chose to change the colour of “J” in both the ground and roof top logo to PINK throughout October to show wholesome support and embrace of this campaign.
Hotel Jen hopes to wrap up the fundraising drive on 31st October 2015 and handover the collection to Cancer Society of Maldives in November.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]