Hotel Jen helps raise awareness against child abuse at the Dhiraagu Road Race 2015
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28th August saw the biggest annual run happen in the Maldives. 9 runners from Hotel Jen participated the country’s biggest annual road race, the Dhiraagu Road Race 2015 (DRR). The race, into its 9th consecutive year, was attended and supported by many NGOs, government and private companies, hotels, along with individual runners.
DRR first began in 2007, and every year the organisers have dedicated the race to helping a social cause. This year’s cause ‘Against Child Abuse’, was supported by 3,000 runners from 43 different countries.
All team members finished the race with Ahmed Moosa being in the first 100 runners to cross the line. The team leader, Hassan Rameez from the Human Resources Department said: “We participated because we believe in this cause championed by Dhiraagu – ‘Against Child Abuse’. And I believe that with more events and programmes like this, we can increase awareness for these causes – I believe we can make a difference.”
Rameez further added that he is proud to work for Hotel Jen Male, Maldives, a hotel that continues to support both its own and external charity initiatives. He expressed his hope that more companies like Dhiraagu will come forward with activities for public awareness as well as to create a unity in the community.
Dhiraagu Maldives Road Race is officially registered in AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races), making it the first international run held in the country and providing the opportunity for Maldivian and international athletes to participate together in the run along the coastline of Male’ City in Maldives.