Kuramathi announces new F&B manager and executive housekeeper
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Kuramathi Island Resort has announced two new appointments to their food & beverage and housekeeping departments.
One of the recent appointments announced was Sakis Traskas, who joins the resort as the island’s new food and beverage manager. Motivated, open and confident, Traskas has over 12 years experience under his belt and hails from Greece.
Traskas has worked in different countries within Europe, and has a world of experience in the F&B sector. His previous work experience includes time the at Grecotel Daphnila Bay Thalasso as well as holding the position of food and beverage manager at the Grecotel Corfu Imperial Exclusive Resort.
Also new to the resort is Executive House Keeper, Madhukar Singh. Madhukar has many years of experience working in the hospitality industry, in different regions of India.
He has worked in globally accredited properties in India, and more recently, the Maldives has become his new home. Eager to start introducing new concepts and upgrades to the existing villas on Kuramathi, Madhukar is leading a team of over 60 people, and he has set his sights on improving the current standards and adding quality to the range of products and services on offer.
Madhukar is a man with a positive attitude who strongly believes in teamwork, his message to future guests is to ‘come to Kuramathi for an experience of a lifetime.’
Kuramathi is one of the first resorts opened in the Maldives, and is part of Universal Entreprises Pvt. Ltd, a 100% Maldivian owned company.