Kuramathi Island Resort adds glass-bottomed boat to excursion fleet
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The see-through hull of the boat makes the vessel perfect for those who wish to enjoy an afternoon on the water, enjoying the Maldivian breeze, whilst also peering below the surface of the ocean.
An experienced skipper has been trained to glide the boat over the stunning reefs of Rasdhoo Giri, ensuring not to damage the coral in any way. In addition, guests can also glimpse a famous shipwreck near the resort. Taking a total of 45 minutes, the trip lets guests witness fish of every colour and size as they dart underneath the glass viewing panels on the boat.
Alternatively, guests can choose to opt for a guided tour with the resident marine biologist, who also leads guests on a visit to an underwater coral nursery.
The boat is also available for private charter.
Kuramathi Island Resort is located in Rasdhoo Atoll, a 90-minute speedboat ride away from the international airport, and is owned and managed by Maldivian company, Universal Enterprises Ltd.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]