MATATO Maldives Travel Awards are now open to public vote via SMS
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The MATATO Travel Awards are now open to public vote, via SMS. The homegrown awards were initiated in 2012 by the Maldives Association for Travel Agents and Tour Operators and have grown in prestige and size over the past three years.
This year, there are a record 30 categories, which include Leading Family Resort, Leading CSR Programme and Leading All Inclusive Resort to name but a few.
A total of 97 nominees are now encouraging supporters to vote for them via text message. Voters using either mobile network provider – Dhiraagu or Ooredoo – can type MTA followed by the unique code for each nominee and send to the message to 5005.
The list of nominee codes has been published on the MATATO website and can be found here. Voting will remain open until September 5th.
For those members of the public who wish to vote but are currently abroad, voting can also be completed on the MATATO website.
Earlier this year, on May 5th, MATATO held a special preliminary edition of the award show in Dubai – a first for the awards.The event was held at Dusit Thani Dubai and 12 awards were announced.
The final award ceremony itself is scheduled to be held at Coco Bodu Hithi where the remaining 18 categories’ winners will be revealed.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]