Soneva Fushi opens the first Art and Glass Studio in the Maldives
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Soneva Fushi has opened the first Art and Glass Studio in the Maldives. The studio, which opened in August this year, is a state-of-the-art facility, and includes a small retail boutique and an art gallery which are designed as platforms to display the work of both locals and international artists.
In an effort to stay eco-friendly, the studio only uses waste glass produced from the resort and other nearby resorts. An estimated amount of five tonnes (or more) of glass waste is produced by resorts in the Baa Atoll alone every month, and as such, the resort and management encourage the recycling of these waste glass to produce something more beautiful, and long-lasting.
Sonu Shivdasani, Founder and CEO of Soneva said: “The idea behind this project is turn the glass into something that is much more beautiful and valuable than it was in its previous state.”
“This is something we have wanted to do for many years, so we are very excited that the project has come to fruition. We believe that small tweaks to our business model can make a big difference. For instance, we see ‘waste’ as an asset rather than a liability. In fact, around 80% of our waste at Soneva Fushi is reused; a figure of which we are very proud,” he added.
The resort will introduce unique and fun experiences to the guests in the form of special courses, art exhibitions, and interactive events. Glass exhibitions will be held every year in collaboration with a rotating programme of visiting artists, the first of which will be announced soon. Guests will also have the opportunity to see world-renowned artists at work, buy beautiful pieces of art and also learn how to blow glass.
“We are creating beautiful and functional products as well as rare pieces of art. We are also hoping that this facility will stimulate the Maldivian art scene, as we aim to both nurture the talents of Maldivian artists and provide a platform for them to get recognition,” said Kevin Christison, Soneva’s Curator of Art.
Soneva Fushi is also hoping to recruit Maldivians who are interested in art and design, to become the first professional glass blowers in the Maldives.