Sri Lanka’s National Hotel Management Conference 2015 concludes successfully
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Sri Lanka’s National Hotel Management Conference 2015 organised by the Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association has concluded successfully. The two-day conference was held at the Taj Samudra, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The conference was inaugurated by Tourism and Sports Minister Navin Dissanayake. Distinguished guests who attended the conference included Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau Chairman Dr. Rohantha Athukorala, Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management Chairman Kapila Yakandawela, Hotels Association of Sri Lanka Chairman Hiran Cooray, Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association President Eksath Wijeratne, Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association Human Resource Development Committee Chairman Nishantha Manawadu and Project Leader of the National Hotel Management Conference 2015, Sunil Dissanayake.
Nisha Abu Bakar Maricair, Director of Elavated Training Singapore, delivered the keynote speech at the inauguration ceremony. Dr. Rohantha Athukorala, Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau and General Secretary of Inter-Company Employees Union, Wasantha Samarasinghe were among the participants to speak at the event.
Hotelier Veteran and LAHRC Management Services & Reefs Edge Director, Upul Gamage, conducted special discussions everyday giving participants a chance to interact with each other and discuss issues that needed clarifying about their respective speeches and presentations during the conference.
Speaking about the success of the two day conference, Development Committee Chairman Manawadu said: “We were surprised by the response we received from practicing hoteliers who were excited to listen to and interact with the speakers who represented a wide spectrum of subject areas which are of critical importance to any hotelier.”
Project Leader Dissanayake said: “We received extremely positive feedback for all the sessions as a majority of the participants found the topics relevant to their day-to-day activities. The Managing Directors’ Forum involving three top industry veterans, namely, Hiran Cooray, The Kingsbury PLC and Amaya Hotels & Resorts Managing Director Lalin Samarawickrama and Serendib Leisure Management Ltd. Managing Director Ranil De Silva, which was moderated by Daily FT Editor Nisthar Cassim was hailed by everyone as an interesting and useful exercise as this session revealed the ‘perspective of the shareholder’ that plays a critical part in the promotion of the industry,” he said.
Source: Daily FT