The 12th annual UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism now open for applications
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The UNWTO Awards recognise knowledge creation, dissemination and innovation in tourism, and in doing so seek to highlight the sector’s transversal effect on governance and society at large. More than 70 scholars, visionaries and institutions inspiring work for competitive and sustainable tourism development, and promotion of values of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism have been recognised by the Awards since their inception in 2003.
The UNWTO Awards characterises tourism initiatives for outstanding achievements in the following categories:
- UNWTO Award for Innovation in Public Policy and Governance
· UNWTO Award for Innovation in Enterprises
· UNWTO Award for Innovation in Non-Governmental Organizations
· UNWTO Award for Innovation in Research and Technology
Previous winners of the Awards include a project promoting domestic tourism in Peru, an initiative for travellers to immerse in the Maasai community in Tanzania, an innovative marketing project from Amsterdam and a mobile application promoting European tourism.
The ceremony will be held in collaboration with the Spanish tourism fair IFEMA/FITUR, in Madrid, Spain. Scheduled to be held on the 20th January 2016, this will be the third consecutive year that the awards ceremony is combined with the Spanish tourism fair.
The Awards ceremony will be followed by the annual UNWTO Awards Symposium which will highlight the importance of innovation in tourism and is an opportunity for fellow candidates to share the knowledge and achievements of the UNWTO Awards finalists.
The United Nations World Tourism Agency is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. More information about the agency and applying for an award can be found on their website.