The 27th CAP-CSA joint meeting & UNWTO Regional Ministerial Conference to be held at Bandos Island Resort
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The 27th joint meeting of UNWTO Commission for East Asia and Pacific (CAP) and UNWTO Commission for South Asia (CSA) and UNWTO Regional Ministerial Conference on Positioning Tourism in a Wider Socio-economic Context is due to be held from 3 to 5 June at Bandos Island Resort, Maldives.
The CAP-CSA joint commission meeting is the UNWTO’s annual meeting in the Asia Pacific Region. Last year, the meeting was attended by 60 member states, 7 UNWTO affiliate members and several other international organizations.
The key topics of this year’s joint meeting will include UNWTO’s programme of work for the region, Asia’s use of TripAdvisor as a source of consumer data, and other statutory issues regarding UNWTO’s member states.
Minister of Tourism Mr. Ahmed Adeeb will inaugurate the event, followed by the keynote speech, which will be delivered by President Yameen Abdul Gayoom. After the speech, the Maldivian team will deliver presentations on how the Maldives is adapting to climate change, which will be followed by presentations from participating member countries.
The two-day commission will proceed with meetings, discussions and debates by participants and tourism ministers from other member countries, on how to strengthen government awareness, and to enable advancement of the tourism sector.
UNWTO’s mission statement states: “The Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific is the World Tourism Organization’s operational arm assigned with the implementation of UNWTO’s general programme of work within the region. The Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific also serves as UNWTO’s direct channel through which the national, regional and local tourism development needs and concerns of the member States are communicated to the Secretariat.”
Following the mission statement of the UNWTO, the ultimate goal of the commission meetings will be to discuss issues on how to further strengthen the countries’ tourism sectors, giving ideas on how to assist the leaders of tourism in moving their sector forward and discussing the national agendas of the member countries.