Tourist arrivals increase in August despite decrease in total bed nights
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While the percentage of bednights at guesthouses shows an increase from January to August by 15.5% this year, statistics reveal a drop in the number of bednights at resorts for the same months this year from 596,221 to 568,087. The overall percentage of resort bed nights from the month of January until the end of August sums up to a total of 4,401,213, which is a decrease by -4.9% compared to that of last year. The total bednights count for resorts, guesthouses, safari vessels and hotels has dropped by -3.6% for the entire month of August when compared to August last year.
Region wise, for the month of August 2015, Eastern Europe shows a change in arrival percentage by -14.4% when comparing to the same month last year. Comparing the period of January to August 2014 to the same months this year also reveals a drop in the percentage of -20.7%.
Western Europe shows an increase in the month of August by 3.7%. However, from January to August 2015 shows an overall decrease by -0.7%.
North East Asia reveals an increase in the month of August this year when compared to the month last year by 7.4%, while the months of January to August also show a slight increase when compared to that of last year, by 2.7%. China contributes to the percentage by showing an increase of 7.8% in just the month of August this year.
In the Middle East, Egypt shows an increase in the month of August by 14.4%, while the percentage of arrivals from Qatar and the UAE for the same month has decreased significantly – by 41.2% and 26.7% respectively. For the entire Middle East, arrivals show a decrease in the month of August by -10.1%. However, when looking at the statistics from January to August this year, the percentage shows a growth by 12.3%.