TripAdvisor launches dedicated airport page
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TripAdvisor has announced the launch of their new segment, the dedicated airport page, which helps travellers get to where they want to go faster and hassle-free. The list will include 200 of the major airports in the world today.
Travellers will have easier directions to restaurants, airport lounges, and other attractions in public and transit areas. The page will also list reviews, ratings, and other airport amenities such as free stores and boutiques.
Adam Medros, Senior Vice President of Global Product, TripAdvisor said: “Over 3.1 billion travellers pass through airports each year with the average traveller spending 150 minutes of airport dwell time from arriving at the terminal to the doors of the plane closing at the gate.” He continued, “With the launch of airport pages, not only will travellers have access to airport information at their fingertips, but businesses will also be able to market themselves directly to travellers worldwide searching on TripAdvisor.”
The first airport with hundreds of amenities listed on TripAdvisor website is Changi Airport, and will soon be joined by London Heathrow Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport in July 2015.
“As the world’s most awarded airport, Changi has won many fans across the globe and we are proud to be the first airport on TripAdvisor to feature our amenities and encourage travellers to visit and review them,” said Ivan Tan, Senior Vice President for Corporate & Marketing Communications at Changi Airport Group. “We believe providing useful information on what is available at the airport will help travellers make the most of their time here.”
TripAdvisor airport pages will be available on all 45 TripAdvisor sites and in 28 languages on the mobile application. Travellers will be able to use the “Near Me Now” feature on the TripAdvisor mobile app to find amenities nearby through the smartphone’s GPS when they are at the airport.