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MPL, Uligan council sign MoU for yacht marina development

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) and the island council of Haa Alifu Uligan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide maritime services in Uligan.

The MoU was signed at a ceremony held at Uligan Council on Thursday morning by MPL CEO Mohamed Wajeeh and Uligan Council President Ahmed Muaz Mohamed.

MPL issued a press release stating that the development of a yacht marina in Uligan will begin this year and be completed within six months. The concept of the yacht marina has already been developed, and investors are currently in discussions.

Regarding the agreement, Wajeeh noted that this initiative fulfils a promise made by President Mohamed Muizzu to expand the maritime sector in the Maldives. He highlighted that Uligan has historically been a frequent destination for yachts, more so than other islands, and the local population and council are concerned about the lack of adequate services for these vessels.

Wajeeh emphasised the effort to establish a yacht marina in Uligan aligns with the President’s vision. He also mentioned that the construction of offices for international banking services and maritime services in Ihavandhippolhu atoll is progressing rapidly.

MPL will provide office space for Customs, MNDF, Immigration, and Port Health to commence port services. The office space is expected to be completed by the 10th of this month, with the recruitment process starting thereafter.

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