MIRA presents Gold Coin Award to the 17 highest tax-paying resorts and businesses
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The award was received by both public and private companies, and both small and big businesses. Universal Entreprises, Coastline Investments and Casa Maldives were named the three top highest GST paying businesses.
The awards were presented by Vice President Ahmed Adeeb at the celebratory event organised and hosted by MIRA on the occasion of their 5th anniversary.
While the awards were categorised into different groups, Huvafen Fushi by Per Aquum won the award for the highest tax-paying resort with 150+ beds, while Lily Beach Resort & Spa won the award for the highest tax-paying resort in the 150-200 bed category, and One&Only Reethi Rah won the award in the 200+ bed category.
Sun Hotels and Resorts received the award for highest tax-paying travel agency, while Trans Maldivian Airways won the award in the highest tax-paying domestic airline category in the country. Hulhule’ Island Hotel (HIH) won in the category for the highest paying tourist catering business, while Blue Horizon’s Horizon 3 won in the highest paying tourist vessel segment.
Sony Hardware won the ‘Gold Coin’ in the highest tax-paying private big-business category, while Eagle Maldives, Bank of Maldives (BML) and Maldives Airports Company (MACL) won in the mid-range business category.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]