The 13th China International Hospitality Supplies Fair opens today
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The fair is organised by Guangdong Xinji Huazhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. The exhibition company was formed by Xinji Group, which is the largest hotel supplies commercial operator, the president unit of China Hotel Supplies Association, together with Guangzhou Huazhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.
The fair will see hotel supplies producers, agents and distributors from both China and abroad gather at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangdong. The fair itself, which offers opportunities for both sale and purchase, offers a global platform to the Chinese hotel supplies industry, as well as offering purchasers from around the world the chance to view some of the country’s most innovative hospitality solutions. The fair also offers a specialist service whereby buyers are matched the most useful suppliers, according to their procurement demand.
There are 10 series of exhibits covering an area of 600 thousand sqm (100 thousand sqm for Pazhou Venue, 500 thousand sq.m for Xinji Shaxi Hospitality Supplies Expo Center) with eight wonderful activities. There are 4000 exhibitors displaying professional technology and the latest hotel supplies products, making this China’s biggest hotel supplies fair.
Exhibitors are displaying hotel equipment and supplies for all aspects of hotel operations, including kitchen equipment, hotel furniture, lighting, tableware and accessories. The fair is also hosting exhibitors from the food & beverage industry.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]