Account Executive at Perspective Pvt Ltd
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Account Executive at Perspective Pvt Ltd
Job Description:
- Preparing invoices and financial statements
- Processing accounts payable, ensuring timeliness and accuracy of information
- Processing accounts receivable by regular follow ups by telephone or e-mails and collecting payments where necessary
- Processing accurate bank reconciliations and deposits
- Maintain petty cash according to established procedures
- Assisting with payroll and other financial reports as required
- Month end duties as required
- Minimum GCE A’ Level with three passes including Accounting and English.
- Preferences will be given to candidates with higher qualification in relevant field.
- Excellent communication skills in English
- Should possess pleasant personality, be self-motivated, flexible and willing to undertake responsibilities.
- Ability to work under pressure
- Previous work experience in a similar role will be an added advantage.
Salary: MVR 8000/
How to apply
Remuneration package: MVR 8000/-
Applicants who meet the above requirements may apply with a letter, complete CV, ID card copy, copies of educational certificates and references before 27th Oct 2015 to
Perspective Pvt Ltd
M. Emerald Building, 2nd Floor
Koili Umaru manik Goalhi
E- mail: admin@perspective.mv
Tel: 3005531[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]