Asia Pacific digital travel sales rose by 20 per cent in 2015
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The rapid growth, driven by heavy activity within China, is expected to continue. The Asia Pacific’s digital travel sales market is also forecasted to surpass that of Western Europe next year, and North America in 2018, when it will be the largest such market in the world.
Thanks to a massive population and a rising middle class with a fondness for travel, China’s digital travel market once again leads the region. This year China is expected to generate USD 65.85 billion worth of digital travel sales, representing a yearly growth of 28 per cent. Sales are believed to increase to USD131.30 billion in 2019.
eMarketer Forecasting Analyst Christopher Bendtsen commented, “Although China’s economy is slowing down, China’s total travel sales are expected to increase dramatically as the growing middle class find travel more affordable.
“Mobile booking’s rising popularity, combined with the success of online travel agencies, will fuel even more significant digital travel sales growth there. India and the major developing countries in Southeast Asia will witness similar trends. This creates huge opportunities in the digital travel space, and in particular, mobile.”
The top five countries in the Asia Pacific region in terms of digital travel sales for this year are China with USD 65.85 billion, Japan with USD 26.71 billion, India with USD 9.42 billion, South Korea with USD 9.15 billion and Australia with USD 6.61 billion.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]