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Atmosphere Foundation to celebrate Environment Day in Vaikaradhoo island

Atmosphere Foundation, the charity arm of global hospitality company Atmosphere Core which runs several resorts in Maldives, will celebrate Environment Day in HDh. Vaikaradhoo island.

The island council has planned many activities in collaboration with the Atmosphere Foundation to celebrate Environment Day, which is celebrated on June 8.

The council, the women’s committee and the Atmosphere Foundation planted 83 bamboo trees last October, Vaikaradhoo Council Vice-President Mohamed Naham said.

“The bamboo park has already planted 13 species of bamboo including indigenous bamboo. The trees are starting to grow very much and it will be the island with the largest number of bamboo species,” he said.

Other activities planned for the island include:

  • Essay contest open to all 15 years of age and older
  • A leaflet making contest
  • Poster drawing competition
  • Photography contest
  • Bamboo evening
  • Disseminate environmental information through social media

The collaborative partnership with Atmosphere Foundation extends beyond Vaikaradhoo Island. The foundation has pledged its support for the establishment of bamboo parks in four other islands, underscoring its dedication to fostering sustainable environmental initiatives.

Separately, the Ministry of Environment initiated a project in March 2023, joining hands with Atmosphere Foundation to plant bamboo trees across the Maldives. The project aligns with the national objective of achieving carbon neutrality. As part of this venture, Atmosphere Foundation has donated 500 bamboo seedlings to the government.

To ensure the optimal effectiveness of bamboo planting, Atmosphere Foundation is collaborating with Dr Bharati Nambi, an esteemed Indian agricultural scientist.

As a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, Atmosphere Foundation is committed to uplifting the Maldivian communities. The foundation’s multifaceted approach encompasses supporting existing charities and voluntary services, facilitating civic engagement and community development, as well as promoting education and training through sponsorships and organised efforts.

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