Cornell University’s Centre for Hospitality Research publishes series of reports on service innovation
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The reports, now available at no charge from CHR, address specific topics relating to data, technology, organizations, and people, in the new science of service innovation.
The trade-off between hotel room rates and search engine results; the importance of top-down innovation in European hotels; the parallel learning curves of guests and employees during organizational change; technological innovations in restaurants; and the use of analytics in energy management and in understanding customer comments in social media: these and many other topics are explored the four far-reaching reports.
“We organized this series of reports to explore some of the research findings presented at CHRS, many of which are driven by the data and technology explosion,” explained summit co-chair Cathy Enz, who is the Lewis G. Schaeneman Jr. Professor of Innovation and Dynamic Management at the School of Hotel Administration.
The series begins with the data track report, which presents seven analyses of the immense tide of customer and employee data. The summarized insights include a method for optimizing group rates for hotel rooms, an analysis for how to account for contradictory information in hotel reviews and ratings, and a method to transform energy efficiency data into a tool for management effectiveness.
The organization report, second in the series, addresses issues relating to organizations, including an analysis of consumers’ (noticeably low) levels of brand engagement, presents methods for improving responses to marketing promotions, and outlines the customer information available through the revolutionary eye tracking methodology.
The technology summaries in the third report highlight restaurant guests’ reactions to tabletop payment devices (mostly favorable), ways to use technology-based innovations to engage Generation Y customers, and the unexpected effects of certain social media on brand value (e.g., YouTube has a strong effect, but twitter not so much).
Topics relating to people complete the series. The final report begins with an intriguing comparison of the effects on guest satisfaction of tangible gifts versus intangible premiums. Also in this report are summaries detailing the distinctly different attitudes of women entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry as against those in other industries (in general, women running hospitality businesses are far more optimistic and positive), and an analysis of the effects of variations in national culture on service innovations, in particular, cultures with high power differences versus those with low power differences.