French media representatives visit the Maldives on press familiarisation trip
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Four journalists representing the French media will be visiting the Maldives from 2nd to the 6th November, on a press familiarisation trip organised by the Maldives PR Agency, Indigo Consulting. The agency is the representative company of Maldives Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Coorporation (MMPRC) based in France.
Under the theme of the FAM trip is ‘Family Holidays in the Maldives’, the resort hosts of the FAM group will focus on providing family friendly products and services to the guests. The participants of the FAM trip represent France’s important family related media, namely Citizenkid.fr, Famili, L’EstRépublicain and Parole de Mamans.
During the 5-day visit, these four journalists will be visiting Angsana Velavaru and Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru to experience the family friendly packages they offer. The resorts will be providing services that are appealing to both the adults and children while at the same time discovering the exotic beauty of Maldives.
While Maldives registered a total of 50,656 tourists from France in the year 2014, the MMPRC has high hopes that this FAM trip will help to increase exposure in the French market, highlighting the Maldives’ unique beauty and the serenity and as a family friendly destination.