Graphic Designer at Perspective Pvt Ltd
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Graphic Designer at Perspective Pvt Ltd
- Should be a self-motivated individual willing to work long hours
- Should have a pleasant personality and should be willing to cooperate and work with other team members including writers, designers, art directors, etc.
- Should have a good knowledge of Adobe Illustrators and other standard graphic design software
Nature of Work:
- You will be working on designing magazines and newsletters for print, flyers and banners.
- You will also be working on producing advertisements for print and online.
- You will also be assisting with the design requirements for websites
Candidates will be shortlisted after an interview.
Apply before 4 August 2015
Perspective Pvt Ltd, 3rd Floor, Emerald Building, Koli Umar Manik Building, Male, Republic of Maldives, PO Box No 2032, Tel: +960 300 5531, +960 300 5523, +960 998 5667
email: info@perspective.mv
How to apply
Interested candidates for the above post can make an appointment for an interview or email their CVs or expression of interest to info@perspective.mv[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]