Green Globe launches new online certification system and solution centre
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“Sustainability is a core contributor to the success of travel, event and hospitality businesses. This approach links quality assurance with continuous improvement, while benchmarking and reducing energy, water-use and non-recyclable waste. The overall outcome is greater efficiency and better business, but also brings stronger buy-in from staff, when these practices are teamed with training, education and other social programs,” states the organisation.
To handle this matrix of management tasks the GGS, which can be accessed at www.greenglobe.com/solutioncenter, replicates the multi-faceted team structure of businesses, giving access and input points to all key managers so they may complete specific roles and contribute their vital data resulting in a far-reaching enterprise solution.
Green Globe’s experience with members in countries around the world, and working in many different cultures and languages, has delivered a professional and robust understanding of how to streamline the sustainable management approach. At the core of GGS is the Green Globe Standard, the leading sustainability standard for travel and tourism. For certification of businesses’ sustainability success, GGS effectively marries criteria documentation to regular reporting practices.
Certification & Membership Manager Birte Besocke said, “We have added multiple access for all managers to be able to complete tasks associated with different sustainability criteria. Additionally, members can constantly monitor their potential certification score prior to the independent audit.”
At no additional cost to members, GGS provides additional value for both small and large enterprises. While the GGS is an easily accessible online documentation and database system, it also provides electronic reporting, which can also be published as PDF files for distribution to staff, owners and investors as well as independent audit teams.
“Our new Green Globe Solutions has been developed in collaboration with not only our members, but also our teams of independent auditors to deliver a seamless experience,” added Birte Besocke, and concluded, “It is its own digital ecosystem providing multiple user access, clean and clear organization, and anytime-all-the-time reporting.”
Green Globe has already certified a variety of resorts in the Maldives, including brands such as Anantara, Jumeirah and Constance. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]