HICAP reveals seminar topics for upcoming Investment Conference in Hong Kong
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The Hotel Investment Conference for Asia Pacific (HICAP) has announced a new seminar track for their upcoming conference in Hong Kong, which kicks off on October 14th. The new track – entitled A Focus on China – will look in detail into the current investment market in the republic, covering topics such as Creating Brands for China’s Middle Class and Investment Opportunities in China.
The Hotel Investment Conference for Asia Pacific (HICAP) is the most established and well recognised conference for the hotel investment and development community in the Asia Pacific region. HICAP, who have been organising and hosting conferences in the Asia Pacific region for the past 25 years, describe their conventions as “the unequalled annual gathering place[s] for Asia-Pacific’s hotel investment community, attracting the most influential owners, developers, lenders, executives, and professional advisors from around the globe.”
The Hong Kong conference will go on for three days. As well as the Chinese workshop track, the conference will include a host of other masterclasses and workshops, covering everything from development opportunities to the impact of millenials on the travel industry. Throughout the three days, the conference will offer the chance to attend presentations on political and economic risk overview, investment outlook programmes.
A highlight of the second day is an hour long break-out session which includes talks on ‘Investing in China- operating hotels in China’s tertiary markets’. The speakers for this session is Li Wen, the Senior Consultant of Howarth HTL, the session will also cover a hot topic track called ‘where to develop?’ In the panel for this session is Mohamed Aseel, the Deputy Managing Director of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporations. There will also be a 15 minute window open for investment opportunities in the Maldives.
The last day of the conference will see the awarding of the HICAP Sustainable Hotel Awards at a luncheon gala.