Hotel Jen and Mega Maldives announce winners of ‘Around the World’ lucky draw
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Hotel Jen has announced the winners of their Ramadan ‘Around the World’ promotion. The special promotion was held in partnership with Mega Maldives, and began on the first day of Ramadan this year. The promotion was open for people who celebrated their Iftar at the hotel’s in-house restaurant, LIME.
Speaking at the closing ceremony held at the hotel, the General Manager of Hotel Jen S. Vathsala said: “We’ve had a very successful Ramadan promotion, and I thank our combined partners Mega Maldives for helping us make this an incredible journey.”
The event was attended by Chief Commercial Officer Sandeep Bahl, Directors of Commercial Shira Thomas and Louise Huang, Assistant Manager Asna Labeeb and PR Coordinator Javed Faizal who represented the Mega Maldives team.
The closing ceremony celebrated the successful event by giving away the first, second and third prizes to the winners of the lucky draws. The first prize, won by Aisha Sara Wisam, was two business class tickets to Beijing, China, courtesy of Mega Maldives, and a 3 day 2 night (breakfast included) stay at the Hotel Jen at Upper East Beijing.
The second prize winner, Abdullah Shabeen, won two economy class tickets, courtesy of Mega Maldives, to Hong Kong, and a 3 day 2 night (breakfast included) stay at Hotel Jen, Hong Kong. The third winner of the lucky draw Mohamed Mamdhooh received a 3 day 2 night stay voucher for two at an Executive Room at Hotel Jen, Male’, including all meals, and a spa treatment.
Sandeep Bahl, speaking at the ceremony, said that Mega Maldives wished to continue their partnership with Hotel Jen for a long time. He also highlighted the fact that Mega Maldives celebrated their 5th anniversary this year.