IATA launches ‘SkyZen’ App so passengers can monitor their inflight well-being
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The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has released details of a new mobile app for passengers to monitor their health and wellbeing before, during, and after a flight called ‘SkyZen’.
The software works in conjunction with the ‘Jawbone’ fitness wristband, which is a discreet, bracelet-like device which uses high-tech sensors to collect data about the user’s activity levels and sleep patterns. When users enter their flight number, date and class of travel, SkyZen automatically aggregates the data.
Using the data collected, SkyZen will offer passengers personalised insights on their flight activity, hints on how to improve their overall travel experience and strategies to minimise jet lag before and after flight, when crossing time zones.
“Recent advances in personal health monitoring give air travellers a great opportunity to track how they respond to the various stages of a trip. With its global perspective on the air transport industry, IATA is uniquely placed to develop a single app, which passengers can use across all flights, anywhere in the world. We are confident SkyZen delivers a completely new perspective on travel for passengers, with handy tips offering a fun and interactive way to improve the quality of their flying experience,” said Tom Windmuller, IATA Senior Vice President for Airport, Passenger, Cargo and Security.
IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 260 airlines comprising 83% of global air traffic. SkyZen is free to download and use from the Apple iTunes store, and works with the Jawbone health tracker. The Apple Watch and Fitbit version will be released shortly.