ITT conference and ILTM Asia kick off today in UAE & Shanghai
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June 1st has proven to be an important date in the hospitality industry’s calendar with the International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM) Asia in Shanghai and the Institute of Travel and Tourism (ITT) Conference in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, both having kicked off today.
According to their website, The Institute of Travel and Tourism was set up to ‘raise and maintain professional standards throughout the travel industry and for the benefit of their members.’ The conference will take place at the Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah, located 50 minutes away from Dubai Airport. The 2015 conference will be formally inaugurated by H.H. Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, and will be hosted by Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority.
On the other side of the continent, entering their 9th year, the ILTM Asia is the leading luxury travel fair for the Asia Pacific Region. The fair, held at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre, will see participating global buyers and hoteliers from the Asia Pacific region meeting and networking with global suppliers. According to the ITLM Asia website, the events of the fair will include ‘inspiring educational sessions followed by three days of pre-scheduled appointments and after hours networking events.’
The ITLM Asia website reveals some of the testimonials from members. “We have seen a great selection of targeted buyers who really understand luxury at ILTM Asia. It was excellent to meet new quality buyers with clientele perfect for us – this is exactly what we were seeking from the event,” Panjama Leamsuwan, Trisara, Thailand, ILTM Asia Exhibitor.
The ILTM Asia will be held till the 4th of June, while the ITT Conference will end a day earlier, on 3rd June.
Although the MMPRC has chosen not to participate in either event this year, a large number of Maldivian properties are exhibiting at the ILTM Asia, including Amilla Fushi, One & Only Reethi Rah, LUX* Maldives and The Sun Siyam Group.
Next year, the ILTM Asia will be hosted in Tokyo, Japan.
For more information visit ILTM and ITT