Kuredu launches ‘Solar Power Project’ with 4,160 new solar panels
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June marks the month Kuredu Resort & Spa officially launched its ‘Solar Power Project’. The installation of 4,160 new solar panels is expected to significantly reduce the resort’s reliance on diesel generators. The solar panels are expected to generate an average power of 600KW per day.
The highest power demand in the resort is recorded at 1,900KW, requiring up to seven diesel generators. Before the installation, up to 8,000 litres of diesel were burnt daily to produce electricity. The use of solar power in place of diesel will no doubt create a significant reduction in diesel consumption, which in turn will result in a positive impact for the environment. Sound pollution and the emission of carbon dioxide will also be reduced by a significant amount.
According to the press release on the Kuredu website, the existing small solar panels that are fitted around the island contribute enough energy to heat up fresh water for guest bathrooms. “However, the new solar project will generate electricity requirements for all electrical appliances of the resort as it will be connected to the main grid,” the press release states.
Most of the existing roof tops in the Team Village, or staff area are being used for installing these new 4,160 solar panels. Each panel will generate 240 watts of maximum power during a sunny day using the photovoltaic system, converting sunlight into an electric current.
“Kuredu is proud to be implementing one of the first such projects in the hospitality industry in the Maldives. Conserving energy on this scale, using solar power, is a big undertaking and we are sure our beautiful island is thankful for it. It would of course be a dream come true when all diesel generators of the world become silent,” the press release states.
Kuredu Resort & Spa is located in Lhaviyani Atoll, a 25-minute seaplane ride away from the international airport. The island is one of the biggest in the Maldives and has a total of 383 guest accommodations, four main restaurants in addition to bars and snack bars located on different parts of the vast island.