Lucrative fourth quarter predicted for Asian travel industry
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With bookings up 15% to 16 % over last year, the company is surpassing its predicted figures throughout Asia. “In Asia we’re doing really well – way ahead of expectations,” said Daryl Lee, GTA’s Regional Vice President of Sales and Marketing, according to Australian travel website traveltrends.biz.
“It’s massively up because most of the countries have had a good run economy-wise (and) we continue to see a lot of people who want to travel,” he continued.
China and India remain by far the fastest-growing booking source markets, up 91% and 63% respectively over last year, he reported to Travel Trends’ editor Martin Kelly.
Due to a weakened Yen, Japan is seeing the highest increase in inbound travellers across Asia. Unsurprisingly, the repressed economy is leading to lower numbers of outbound tourists.
“Japan is the most successful destination in the whole of Asia-Pacific,” said Andrew Hughes, GTA’s Vice President Hotel Sourcing APMEA.
Alongside Japan, and despite unfortunate terror attacks in Bangkok earlier this year, Thailand is also witnessing a boom in tourist arrivals. “Thailand without question remains really strong,” Mr Lee said. “[GTA is] up by 50% on last year and last year was strong.”
The Australian market remains strong with the best outbound growth to medium-haul Asian destinations. “We’re up 16% out of Australia into Asia,” Mr Lee said.
GTA operates a business to business model and is one of the world’s biggest accommodation companies with 14 million room nights booked last year. Most of its inventory is sold through traditional travel agents, while Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa is it biggest division, accounting for 50% of total sales.
Source: Traveltrends.biz [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]