Lufthansa begins scheduled flights between Frankfurt and Maldives
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Europe’s largest airline, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, or Lufthansa, as the airline is more commonly known as, has begun scheduled flights to the Maldives from Frankfurt, Germany.
The inaugural flight landed at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA) at approximately 9:30 a.m. on 10th December 2015. Managing Director of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), Adil Moosa, Director of South Asia Lufthansa Passenger Airlines, Wolfgang Will, and Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer attended the inauguration ceremony.
The airline operates four weekly flights from Frankfurt to Male’ every Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday on an Airbus A340-300 that has a passenger capacity of 298 people.
Speaking about the commencement of the Lufthansa airline in the Maldives, MACL’s managing director Adil Moosa said that it was “an honour that Lufthansa has chosen our airport as one of their destinations and we are confident that Lufthansa will add value to INIA and to Maldives.”
“The introduction of the new direct flight to Male’ clearly demonstrates the importance of this market segment for Lufthansa and underlines our commitment to provide our customers with consistent and the best Lufthansa experience worldwide,” said Director of South Asia Lufthansa Passenger Airlines, Wolfgang Will.
During January last year, German arrivals to the Maldives grew by 8.7%, representing a market share of 7.3%. A total of 7,093 German tourists had visited the country during the month.
Voyages Maldives is the handling agent of the airline in the Maldives.