LUX* Maldives implements new coral reef monitoring project
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LUX* Maldives has announced their plans to implement a coral reef monitoring project. This announcement falls in line with their continuous efforts to safeguard the biodiversity and resilience of corals throughout South Ari Atoll.
This project aims to increase awareness of the importance of adapting sustainable environment practices in order to protect and conserve the marine ecosystems around Dhidhoofinolhu island.
In addition to this, LUX* Maldives’ Marine Biologist Chiara Mascetti, along with Gabriel Grimsditch, Senior Project Officer at IUCN – the largest environment network in the world – conducted a workshop regarding coral reefs and climate changes in the Maldives. Chiara has been trained on how to recognise coral bleaching and how to collect relevant information and data in order to “help scientists and managers at a national level have a better understanding of the health of coral reefs and to identify which parts of the reef are healthy, recovering or damaged,” explained Grimsditch. “Monitoring and understanding what is happening on the reef and developing Marine Managed Areas is crucial to implement effective environmental management strategies and decide where to focus our effort,” Mascetti added.
LUX* Maldives also recently received the Green Fins Certification, which is given to dive centres who are recognised for their efforts in conducting environment-friendly tourism activities. With the implementation of Green Fins Code of Conduct, the world class diving centre at LUX* Maldives, Euro Divers, will encourage safe and responsible diving behaviours towards all of their guests.
Shaun Dünhofen, General Manager of the resort said: “LUX* Maldives has always been highly dedicated to the principles of responsible tourism to lead the way for a brighter future. We are particularly proud to strengthen our support of local institutions and national research programmes to preserve, sustain and restore our reefs, which are home to an incredible array of wildlife.”
LUX* Maldives’ Marine Biology Centre also organises a variety of research programmes and activities for guests of all ages to raise awareness about marine conservation in the South Ari Atoll of the Maldives.