Malaysian Airlines relaunches under new name
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Starting September 1st, former Malaysian Airlines will be operating as Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB). The airline, which has undergone many challenges in the past year, has now fulfilled the requirements to receive the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) in Malaysia.
The new brand name was revealed at a ceremony held at Malaysia’s Ministry of Transport in Putrajaya on August 28th this year. The airline had to undergo months of audit activities to ensure air operations, maintenance procedures and other systems were in line with regulatory standards.
Kathleen Leong, Senior Manager (Regional Sales) of Malaysian Airlines Berhad said: “Everything is going to be business as usual. Nothing drastic is going to change except our working place, where we are moving from Subang to our new office in Sepang.”
In a statement released about the rebranding, MAB’s CEO-designate Christoph Mueller said, “The AOC is a testament to all our staff at Malaysia Airlines who have been working hard to fulfill all the necessary requirements and specifications by DCA,” adding, “We are very excited and focused on MAB’s take-off in September.”
The company assures that the change in the newly rebranded company will not impact the day-to-day operations of MAB, and promises a rejuvenated, leaner airline -with thousands of job cuts and several routes slashed. No major physical changes besides the name change have been unveiled as yet.