Maldives celebrates National Day at Expo Milano 2015
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Speaking at the official opening ceremony, General Commissioner of Expo Milano 2015, Bruno Pasquino highlighted the fact that the Maldives Islands, being barely two metres above sea level, represent a fragile natural environment. “Finding equilibrium with nature is essential for countries that have even a minimum height above sea level. Expo Milano 2015 offers a unique possibility to raise the international community’s awareness on such highly important themes,” he said.
Managing Director of the Maldivian Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) Abdulla Ziyath said: “The ocean plays a key role in the life of our population: the Maldives is 99 percent water, and this is why the theme of the exhibition ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’ is fundamental for us,” he concluded.
Fragile as they might be, the Maldives welcomed more than 1 million tourists to the country last year and have set their targets on welcoming 1.5 million tourists tp the country this year. Celebrating the National Day at the Expo Milano 2015 saw Maldivian dancers showcasing their unique cultural dresses, dances and traditions amongst other activities.
Speaking about the theme of the Pavilion ‘Fishing – the lifeblood of Maldives’, Ziyath said: “it is indeed fishing which figures as the mainstay of our economy, as it accounts for over a third of our GDP.”
Expo Milano will be held until October this year. The expo will be a global meeting point for all travel and tourism related businesses from around the world, and is expected to receive an estimated 20 million visitors from across the world.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]