Maldives Photographers Association announces ‘Sunny Side in Frames’ photo competition
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Maldives Photographers Association (MPA), in collaboration with the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Coorporation (MMPRC), has last night launched a ‘Sunny Side in Frames’ photo competition. The ceremony was held at Hotel Jen, who are the official hotel partner of MPA. The competition will see an international panel of judges choosing a final winner, who will be awarded the ‘Maldivian Photographer of the Year’ title – the first of its kind in the Maldives.
According to the MPA, the competition allows photographers to submit photos in 5 separate categories which include scenic, underwater, culture, wedding and fashion segments. The final winner of the competition will win an all-expenses paid trip to the ITB Berlin Fair 2016, in addition to having the winning photo displayed on the Visit Maldives Year 2016 campaign materials. The winner will also recieve prize money, and get the opportunity to display his work within the country as well as abroad.
The ceremony held at Hotel Jen last night was attended by members of MPA, along with the Minister for Economic Development Mohamed Saeed, Managing Director of MMPRC Abdullah Ziyath and Minister for Youth and Sports Ahmed Zuhoor.
Speaking about the launching of the photo competition, Abdulla Ziyath said: “As MMPRC is a destination marketing organisation, we consider people to be part of the destination that needs to be promoted as much as the destination. The Maldivian creative community are as talented as anybody else, and it is only the opportunity that has been lacking for us. That is why we are hoping to break this barrier, and create more opportunities in the future.“
MPA also launched a special talk show called ‘Photalk’, where photographers, both professionals and enthusiasts can hold discussions, inspire and encourage each other by sharing their stories.
MPA was formed in 2008 and has 135 photographers registered as members to date. For more information on the competition, interested parties can visit the new website: www.photographers.mv