MEGA Maldives begins Male-Kuala Lumpur route today
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Since announcing the launch of the popular Male-Kuala Lumpur route in November, the airline has seen increased demand from passengers, especially locals, traveling directly to Kuala Lumpur. The high demand is also due to the closing of schools for holidays, and a number of passengers have vied to travel to Kuala Lumpur with their families.
The majority of passengers on the first flight (LV300) were Maldivians. MEGA Maldives will fly three times a week (Sunday, Wednesday, Friday) to Kuala Lumpur.
This comes in the wake of Malaysia Airlines cancelling their Male-Kuala Lumpur route earlier this year.
MEGA Maldives, which began operations in January 2011, has regular flights to Hong Kong and six Chinese destinations from the Maldives.
The airline provides unique onboard services such as a “Honeymoon in the Sky” program (which must be reserved in advance), a “Kiddie Flight Attendant” program in which appropriate age children get to learn about the flight attendant job and help hand out ice cream, and other innovative experiences for its passengers. Cockpit visits are usually allowed after landing on request (which is encouraged) or by invitation. The airline seeks to return some of the romance and excitement to flying.
The airline also provides technical services to other airlines at Male’ Ibrahim Nasser International Airport including AOG support. The airline can also provide ground handling supervision and permit management services to other foreign airlines as well.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]