Ministry of Economic Development formally launches partnership opportunities for MIF
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Maldives Investment Forum is the prime investment event of the Government of Maldives showcasing lucrative investment opportunities in the Maldives to the global investment community. Ministry of Economic Development is the principal organizer of the forum on behalf of the Government of Maldives.
Stakeholders from both the government and private sector along with various media officials attended the launching event named “Partnering for MIF 2015”. Minister of Economic Development Hon. Mohamed Saeed officially inaugurated the collaborative opportunities for MIF 2015. “Foreign Direct Investment lies at the heart of our development agenda. We remain steadfast to provide the right conditions for business to flourish in the Maldives”, said Mohamed Saeed, Minister of Economic Development.
At the launching event, Saeeda Umar, Consultant at the Ministry of Economic Development presented the sponsorship details. Three partnering options were presented with various degrees of exposure. The Platinum package is the most exclusive package that offers the highest level of exposure both before and during the event. Platinum sponsors are also to be provided the highest priority of branding in all documentation and on-site signage.
The Gold package offers the second highest level of exposure in the various exposure segments offered during and before the event while the Silver package offers branding and advertising opportunities during the event via the video displays set up in the event halls. Additionally interested participants of MIF 2015 can register as a visitor for free. The ministry has also presented add-on features that can be used to maximize impact.
MIF 2015 is to be inaugurated by His Excellency President, Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and the forum will provide numerous opportunities for both government and private sector stakeholders to showcase investment projects on offer, promote respective business, products and services and privately network with a large and elite base of investors, financiers and traders.
A key highlight of MIF 2015 will be a high level panel discussion on “Investment Climate Reform and Economic Diversification’, featuring international legal experts, government ministers and professionals from the local private sector. Another highlight is the launching of the Invest Maldives Magazine.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]