Nominations open for HICAP Sustainable Hotel Awards, Deal and Development of the Year Awards
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HICAP, who have been organising and hosting conferences in the Asia Pacific region for the past 25 years, describe their conventions as “the unequalled annual gathering place[s] for Asia-Pacific’s hotel investment community, attracting the most influential owners, developers, lenders, executives, and professional advisors from around the globe.”
Sustainable Hotel Awards
The HICAP Sustainable Hotel Awards were launched in 2007 with the aim of recognising hotel operators and developers in the Asia Pacific region who demonstrate exemplary sustainable practices and environmentally and culturally responsible development, the HICAP website explains. “Through these awards we hope to inspire industry-wide commitment to embracing and proliferating sustainable development as standard practice to help preserve our global and local environments and cultures,” it continues.
There are four categories for consideration for the Sustainable Hotel Awards. These are: Sustainable Project Design, Sustainable Operations, Sustainable Destinations and Sustainable Communities. All criteria and entry guidelines are outlined in the entry form which can be found here.
The Maldives has already seen winners amongst its resorts, with Shangri-La Villingili taking home the title of Sustainable Communities in 2014.
The entry deadline for nominations for the Sustainable Hotel Awards is July 31st 2015. Winners will be notified of their acceptance in September 2015 and the awards will be presented at the closing Awards Luncheon at HICAP on 16 October 2015 at the InterContinental Hong Kong.
Reggie Schiu Development of the Year Award
In addition, HICAP is also calling for nominations for their Reggie Schiu Development of the Year and Award, Deal of the Year: Single Asset Transaction and Deal of the Year: Merger & Acquisition.
The Reggie Schiu Development of the year Award, which is in remembrance of the late Reggie Schiu, recognises the single development of the year representing the accomplishments of material market impact in a variety of ways including: overcoming challenges to completion, scale, innovation, quality, performance, and return on investment.
Nominees are submitted to a committee of industry peers, who then vote to create a shortlist of three deals from which the final winner is determined by delegate votes immediately prior to HICAP in mid-October. The committee this year includes industry experts from SC Capital Partners, JLL and Tourism Solutions International. The deadline for nominations is August 31st 2015. All nominees for the Development of the Year must have opened between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015.
HICAP Deal of the Year
The HICAP Single Asset Transaction and M&A Deal of the Year Awards are given to the merger or acquisition of the year representing the most significant and/or dynamic deal.
Nominees are submitted to a committee of industry peers, who then vote to create a shortlist of three deals from which the final winner is determined by delegate votes immediately prior to HICAP in mid-October. The committee includes experts from Savills, SC Capital Partners, JLL and Mayer Brown JSM. All nominees for the Deal of the Year must have closed between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015. Nomination forms can be found here.