Ooredoo builds its global leadership position
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Ooredoo builds its global leadership position, with new services and faster networks delivering more than 40% data growth across South East Asia, Middle East, and North America. The group is also looking to build these positions as demand for mobile and fixed internet continues to rise in 2015.
In their most recent financial results, Ooredoo’s data revenue represented more than 30% of total revenues – a new record for the company. Data revenues grew by more than 40% year-on-year over the same period. In 2014 the company also held data leadership positions in five out of nine key markets, including Algeria, Iraq, Qatar, Tunisia and the Maldives.
Ooredoo has been driving data monetisation initiatives across its markets to increase data uptake and drive profitable revenue growth, as well as to effectively capitalise on its major Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) investments.
Dr. Nasser Marafih, Group CEO, Ooredoo, explains: “In all our markets, we continue to innovate and launch new services that enhance the data experience of our customers and support their digital lifestyle. That is why we have been able to grow our leadership position, and why we will continue to deliver a better digital lifestyle for everyone.”
Ooredoo Maldives’ strong positioning around ‘the best network for your smartphone’ and ‘always connected’ campaign helped to double the data revenues in Q1 2015 and lead the data market share. The company enhanced 4G and 3G footprint and launched a mobile live TV product, as well as social media bundled packs to drive data adoption and usage. Data growth continues also to rise year-on-year in Kuwait, Algeria, Iraq, and Myanmar.