PER AQUUM Niyama announces innovative children’s club Explorers

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With the launch of its wildly imaginative children’s club, Explorers, PER AQUUM Niyama takes the island excitement to dizzying new levels. At Explorers, run by an international operator and a team of highly qualified carers, children discover activities tailored to their age group and inspired by the out-of-this-world natural beauty of the Maldives. Throughout the resort, family-spirited accommodation, dining and experiences abound. Sophistication meets exploration, with extra special attention lavished on VIPs both large and small.

Four Tribes, One Ultimate Destination

Children at Explorers join one of four tribes, segmented by age. With dedicated care for infants as young as 12 months, the children’s club is unique in the Maldives. Children aged from 1 to 2 are known as Globetrotters and enjoy quiet areas, the highest ratio of caregivers to children, and age-appropriate activities introducing them to arts, music and nature. Adventurers – the tribe of 3 to 4 year olds – race hermit crabs, play bodu beru drums and splash under a watchful eye.

Voyagers aged 5 to 7 and Pioneers from 8 to 12 years enjoy their own purpose-built facilities and challenging fun with activities such as kayaking, dolphin spotting, local island trips, pizza making, mini Olympics and immersions in the underwater playground Subsix with the resident marine biologist as well as the Great PER AQUUM Niyama Treasure Hunt.

niyama kids clubAt Explorers’ heart, an outdoor fun area welcomes children with a playground, trampoline, splash park and stage. Munch, the mini gourmet kitchen, offers cooking classes, dining and refreshments catered to the tribes’ different tastes with child-friendly foods.

Luxury Experiences for Families Daring to Be Different

In addition to the variety of activities the young travellers can find at Explorers, PER AQUUM Niyama also offers a real array of activities for families to undertake together. At the resort’s LIME spa, families can choose to engage in a Family SPArty, or Family Yoga, or even a Mother & Princess package. Elsewhere on the island, families are invited to join excursion such as Nemo & Friends or Turtle Quest.

