Philippe Roux-Dessarps named Vice President of Global Brands for Hyatt
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Hyatt Hotels Corporation has announced Philippe Roux-Dessarps as vice president of global brands in support of Hyatt’s brand priorities and growth strategies.
Roux-Dessarps will be overseeing the Park Hyatt brand, reporting to Sandra Cordova Micek who is the senior vice president of global brands.
“Philippe is a respected leader with a proven track record of success and keen understanding of working in a highly sophisticated environment that distinguishes the Park Hyatt brand,” Micek said. “His global mindset and operational know-how will provide a competitive advantage as the brand continues to meet the ever-changing luxury hospitality business needs. We are thrilled to welcome him to the marketing team.”
Roux-Dessarps comes to the brand marketing role with more than 24 years of experience at Hyatt. He gained his MBA from INSEAD in master of business administration, global executive. For the past seven years, he has led Park Hyatt Tokyo as general manager, coming back to the property from a previous role as front office manager nearly 20 years ago. In addition to Park Hyatt Tokyo, he has worked at a number of luxury properties throughout the world, including Park Hyatt Paris Vendôme, Grand Hyatt Bali and Hyatt Regency Osaka.
“Hyatt is committed to excellence on all fronts, and its brands consistently deliver distinct experiences that delight guests,” Roux-Dessarps said. “I’m excited to join this passionate team of Hyatt marketing colleagues to help drive brand preference and loyalty for the Park Hyatt brand.”