Qooco launches new app designed to train hospitality employees to upsell
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The Qooco Upsell is a newly developed upselling tool that has been developed especially for the hospitality industry. This mobile app, which is now available for use by hoteliers, teaches users techniques to upsell to guests, whether they are at the front desk, spa or restaurant.
The app can be accessed at anytime, anywhere. The training modules are situational, in that they immerse the students in a hospitality scenario such as a hotel restaurant, and guide them through the various techniques needed to upsell to guests.
CEO of Qooco, David Topolewski said: “Thanks to the internet, which has allowed guests to book their hotel stay directly, the first person-to-person interaction a hotel has with their guests is at the front desk.” He also added, “This makes the role of the front desk agent vital, they are no longer just service staff, they are also sales agents. If a hotel’s service staff are also able to proactively upsell to guests, the effects this can have on revenue and ADR are huge.”
“Qooco Upsell provides quality sales training that can be implemented throughout all departments of the hotel,” he continued.
While increasing revenues, upselling can also significantly improve guest satisfaction. Service staff are trained to focus more on guests’ comfort and improve the overall guest experience, while increasing sales.
Thanks to the dashboard feature of the app, training managers are able to measure students’ progress at all times, providing extra support where needed. The lessons simulate real-life hospitality scenarios that are uniquely tailored to the hotels and F&B, a first for the industry. It is also available in multiple Asian and European support languages.
Qooco Upsell is available via the Qooco website: hotel.qooco.com