September 27th, World Tourism Day theme announced: “One Billion Tourists, One Billion Opportunities”
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The UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched this year’s World Tourism Day (WTD) campaign, highlighting the transformative potential of one billion tourists.
The event, which will take place on September 27, 2015, seeks to address global challenges outlined by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to highlight the contribution the tourism sector can make in reaching these goals.
The international day aims to raise awareness amongst decision makers and the general public of tourism’s global socio-economic impact and its capability to drive positive change in countries, communities, and ultimately people’s lives across the world.
Ahead of the event, UNWTO has invited industry stakeholders to speak with a common voice on tourism’s ability to drive inclusive development, create millions of jobs, safeguard cultural heritage and build sustainable societies for the future.
UNWTO invites everyone to join them in spreading this message and showcase the power of the travel and tourism sector in a global conversation by using the hashtags #1billiontourists and #WTD2015 on social media.
Burkina Faso will host the UNWTO’s official celebration of the event this year. In 2013, the Maldives hosted the event when the theme of the day was Tourism & Water: Protecting Our Common Future.
The UNWTO is encouraging those planning to hold WTD events this year to ‘pin’ their event on a map on their website.
For more information about the day, click here.