Sirru Fen Fushi celebrates World Environment Day with local school on Maroshi island
In honor of World Environment Day, Sirru Fen Fushi – Private Lagoon Resort collaborated with Munavvara School on the neighbouring island of Maroshi to promote environmental awareness and sustainability.
Under the theme “50 Students – 50 Trees“, the resort’s sustainability team engaged students from grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 in an educational hands-on tree planting initiative while joining forces and shovels. The event highlighted critical environmental issues such as the fragility of the Maldivian ecosystem, the impact of ocean plastics, the importance of recycling, and the aspects for turtle conservation with support of the dedicated Olive Ridley Project.
Sirru Fen Fushi’s team was proud to educate on the technical aspects of plastics recycling by presenting step-by-step guidance from Sirru Fen Fushi’s resort Sustainability Lab. In this facility, used plastic waste items are cleaned, shredded and moulded into new useful objects such as chairs, tables and clipboards, but also into turtle shaped souvenirs and bracelets. This way the resort contributes significantly to reducing plastics waste and ocean plastics.
Demonstrating their commitment to a sustainable future, the resort plant nursery of Sirru Fen Fushi donated 50 trees, which the students planted in their schoolyard as part of a group activity. The initiative 50 students – 50 trees was of great success and contributed to the education of local island students, who eagerly learned about tree planting process and tree propagation. Connecting to Maroshi’s rich cultural history the tree planting initiative was inspired by the Maldives` oldest tree of 490 years, which is located in the heart of the island.
To further support the reduction of single-use plastics, Sirru Fen Fushi’s team provided each student with a foldable, reusable water bottle, fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship among the younger generation of Maroshi.
Sirru Fen Fushi – Private Lagoon Resort extends their heartfelt gratitude to Munavvara School for their enthusiastic participation and for partnering with us in this meaningful celebration of World Environment Day.