Sixth generation Biondi Santi winemaker to host gourmet food and wine pairing evening at Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa
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Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa is delighted to announce that on 6th November 2015 guests will have a rare opportunity to savour exceptional vintages from the legendary Biondi Santi winery, best-known for inventing and producing Brunello wine. Tancredi Biondi Santi, the sixth generation winemaker, will host a Tuscan-inspired fine dining and wine pairing evening as part of the annual Park Hyatt Master of Food and Wine event.
Tancredi Biondi Santi hails from the renowned Biondi Santi wine family; the creators of Brunello di Montalcino, one of the most celebrated wines from Italy, and Biondi Santi Brunello, served to great acclaim to Queen Elizabeth in 1995.
Guests at Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa will be spoiled with a Rosé and canapé reception and five-course dinner, as is Italian tradition. Each dish will be paired with some of the best vintages from the Biondi Santi vineyards to compliment and maximise the particular flavours of each dish. Tancredi Biondi Santi will guide guests through every step of the meal making sure epicureans and oenophiles get the absolute most out of the experience.
The extravagant five-course feast will see dishes including seared Maldivian lobster, servuga caviar and Wagyu Tornedos Rossini, paired with Biondi Santi’s finest wines including Tenuta Greppo Rosato di Toscana IGT and Schidione 2004.
Tancredi Biondi Santi hails from a background steeped in history. His family have been producing world-renowned wines since the mid-1800’s and were acknowledged as the inventors of the heralded Brunello di Montalcino, one of Italy’s best-known and most expensive wines, in 1932. This particular wine earned the very first DOCG designation (Denominazione di Origine Controllata), an essential guarantee for high quality in the world of Italian wines.
Taking place at The Island Grill beachside restaurant at Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa, guests will be able to admire sweeping, uninterrupted views of the ocean and starlight night sky whilst enjoying the very best of what Italy has to offer.
This fabulous dining experience is priced at USD 220 (subject to service charge and tax).