Aquagen 1

Aquagen brings sustainable water solutions to the Maldives

In a significant step towards environmental sustainability, Aquagen Atmospheric Water Systems unveiled its innovative technology at a function held at the Maagiri Hotel. The event, attended by government officials, hoteliers, and media representatives, showcased Aquagen’s ability to transform air into pure, mineral-enriched drinking water. Mimicking Nature’s Solution to Water Scarcity Aquagen’s Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) […]


Third annual Pest Management Conference highlights sustainability in the Maldives

The third annual Pest Management Conference, organized by Pesterminators Pvt Ltd, took place on May 29, 2024, at the Manhattan Business Hotel in Male. The event attracted over 100 industry professionals, underscoring the growing importance of sustainable pest management practices in the Maldives. The conference, themed “BE THE CHANGE: Integrating Sustainability, Innovation, and Technology in […]
