Tourism arrivals remained stable in July, despite fall in Chinese arrivals
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The latest tourism indicators of the Maldives published by the Ministry of Tourism reveal that the percentage of tourist arrivals from January to July 2015 increased by only 1.7%, when compared to the same period last year. July 2015 proved to be slightly better than average, with an increase of 4.3% when compared to last year.
While the number of arrivals increased, statistics also show that the number of bednights at resorts decreased by 3.2% in July 2015, in comparison to July 2014.
Overall this year total bednights decreased by 4.9% from January to July, when compared to the same period last year. Bed nights at guesthouses however increased from January to July this year by an average of 9.9%, when compared to the same months in 2014.
Looking at the statistics of tourist arrivals from different parts of the world for the January to July 2015 period, the percentage of tourist arrivals from Central/Eastern Europe declined by a significant 21.4%, which was the main contributor to the 1.8% decrease in arrivals from Europe more generally.
The number of arrivals from China decreased by 4.0% in the month of July this year, but statistics show that the percentage of arrivals from January to July this year has increased altogether by 2.4%, compared to last year. Japanese arrivals, on the other hand, increased by 9.6% in July 2015, in comparison to the same period last year.
Looking at arrivals from the Middle East, Saudi Arabia showed the greatest increase in July with a 319% increase in arrivals when compared to July 2014.