GM Forum ’21 Highlights: Panel Discussion- ‘Human Resource Challenges’
The third panel at the GM Forum 2021 discussed ‘Human Resource Challenges’ (in the context of the Maldives hospitality industry). Moderated by Vaibhav Garg, Director of Talent & Culture, Accor Hotels Maldives, panelists included Zeenath Solih, Dean, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, The Maldives National University and Adam Haleem, Director of Programmes, Maldives Institute of Technology.
The panel highlighted challenges in sourcing and retaining the human resources required for the hotel industry, especially during post-pandemic. It also discussed how collaboration with academic institutions in the country can create a better situation to meet the requirements of hotels.
Zeenath Solih said: “One of the systems we have implemented in Maldives National University is outreach centers. Individual resorts, if they are willing, can sign a MoU with us to conduct our approved programs at the resort. And if their lecturers are fully qualified based on MQA standards, this is one way they could recruit employees. They could find local talent from nearby islands and train them while they are doing internships at the resort.”
Speaking of the gender gap in the tourism industry workforce, Adam Haleem noted that statistics from 2014 indicated only 13 per cent of the tourism industry workforce were females. “I want to make a leverage where industry comes closer to the community, be with the young people, especially facilitate young females to join and work for the resorts.”
Watch the panel discussion here.